
001New England Marionette Opera Peterborough, NH USA www.marionettes.org Learn about this premier American opera theatre

002Harlequin Puppet Theatre North Wales, UK www.puppets.inuk.com Britain’s first permanent puppet theatre

003Mandalay Marionettes Theatre Mandalay, Myanmar www.mandalaymarionettes.com An inspired company working in the ancient tradition of Oriental marionette theatre

003Opera in Focus Chicago, Illinois USA www.operainfocus.com Puppet Opera in the Chicago area

004Das Puppenspiel Puppet Theatre Westfield, NY USA www.puppets.org American touring puppet theatre

005Marionettheater Gotsi Athens, Greece www.marionette.gr Touring Theatre with over 200 hand-made marionettes

006MARIONETTENTHEATER SCHLOSS SCHÖNBRUNN Vienna, Austria www.marionettentheater.at Renown marionette theatre that has won several international awards in recent years

007Salzburg Marionette Theatre Salzburg, Austria www.marionetten.at Marionette theatre performing an extensive repetoire of Mozart and other opera

008Puppeteers of America www.puppeteers.org Organization founded in 1937 and dedicated to the art of puppetry

009Cashore Marionettes Pennsylvania USA www.cashoremarionettes.com Learn about master marionette creator and manipulator Joseph Cashore

010The Frisch Marionette Company Cincinnati, OH USA www.frischmarionettes.com An American marionette company that performs in the traditional styles of 19th Century European Puppetry

011Taiga-Matto Marionette Theatre Turku, Finland www.taigamatto.com Touring Marionette theatre that performs in a Mongolian Yurt

011The David Simpich Marionettes Colorado Springs, CO www.simpich.com/david/dhome.htm Family touring company that has created and performed an extensive list of fine productions since 1984

012The Tanglewood Marionettes Ware, MA USA www.tanglewoodmarionettes.com A national touring marionette theatre based in New England

030Maritime Marionettes Truro, Nova Scotia Canada www.maritime-marionettes.com Touring company with an international reputation for excellence in Marionette artistry

080Mock Turtle Marionette Theater Bethlehem, PA USA www.mockturtle.org A puppet theatre and touring company in Pennsylvania

090Jean Kuecher's Marionette Playhouse Houston, TX USA www.marionetteplayhouse.com Marionette theatre for entertainment and education
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